Saturday, November 17, 2007

Topological Invariants of Stratified Spaces

Topological Invariants of Stratified SpacesPublisher: Springer
Language: English
ISBN: 3540385851
Paperback: 270 pages
Data: Jan 2007
Format: PDF
Description: The central theme of this book is the restoration of PoincarĂ© duality on stratified singular spaces by using Verdier-self-dual sheaves such as the prototypical intersection chain sheaf on a complex variety. After carefully introducing sheaf theory, derived categories, Verdier duality, stratification theories, intersection homology, t-structures and perverse sheaves, the ultimate objective is to explain the construction as well as algebraic and geometric properties of invariants such as the signature and characteristic classes effectuated by self-dual sheaves. Highlights never before presented in book form include complete and very detailed proofs of decomposition theorems for self-dual sheaves, explanation of methods for computing twisted characteristic classes and an introduction to the author’s theory of non-Witt spaces and Lagrangian structures.

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